20th International Istanbul Go Tournament

20th International Istanbul Go Tournament announcement image

Welcome to the official page of the 20th Istanbul International Go Tournament. The tournament will be held on the 21st and 28th of November.

20th International Istanbul Go Tournament Poster

This page will be updated regularly until the end of the tournament. Please consider following us through our social media accounts and rss for the latest. Updated on 2021-11-19

The tournament poster can be downloaded from this link.

Preregistration was available until the 19th of November. Thank you for your interest.

As a part of the Turkish Playoff, the 20th International Istanbul Go Tournament is bound by the Online Tournament Regulation of the Turkish Go Players’ Association .

Tournament Sponsors and Supporters

We are currently actively looking for sponsors, please contact us if you would like to sponsor the 20th edition of the Istanbul Go Tournament.

The 20th edition of the Istanbul Go Tournament is brought to you by the kind sponsorship of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and Spor Istanbul for main awards, Taşlı Yol Go Okulu for secondary awards, KGS for the tournament system and organizational support of Turkish Go Players’ Association

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Logo with Spor İstanbul Logo


We strive to provide the best venue possible in every new installment of the Istanbul Go Tournament.

This year due to Covid-19 restrictions the tournament will be held online on KGS in the room “Türk Odası”.

Tournament Rules

  • Tournament Coordinator: Istanbul Go Players’ Association
  • Appeal Board: Istanbul Go Players’ Association Board of Directors
  • Head Referee: To be announced shortly…
  • Referees: Murat Evirgen, Ege Köse, Kürşat Elitok
  • Pairing Operator: KGS Tournament System
  • Tournament system: McMahon
  • Game rules: Japanese rule set, no handicap
  • Time: 45 min. + 3 x 30 sec. Japanese byoyomi
  • Komi: 6.5

As an EGF Tournament the 20th Istanbul International Go Tournament is bound by the following rules and regulations:

  1. EGF General Tournament Rules
  2. EGF Tournament System Rules

Tournament Schedule

Since the preparations are still under due process, please be informed that the below schedule is provisionary and may be subject to change. (All listed times are Turkish local times UTC+3

November 21st (Sunday)
10:00 – 10:30 : Online meeting and preparations
10:30 – 12:30 : Round 1
12:30 – 13:30 : Lunch Break
13:30 – 15:30 : Round 2
15:30 – 16:00 : Break
16:00 – 18:00 : Round 3

November 28th (Sunday)
10:15 – 10:30 : Online meeting and preparations
10:30 – 12:30 : Round 4
12:30 – 13:30 : Lunch Break
13:30 – 15:30 : Round 5

Prizes and Awards

Main Awards

Kindly sponsored by Spor İstanbul and the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality, the first 3 players will receive the following:

  1. First Place — 1000 TL in gift certificates
  2. Second Place — 600 TL in gift certificates
  3. Third Place — 300 TL in gift certificates

Secondary Awards

4/5 wins or more: players below the bar with a win record above 70% will win one cycle of observer status on the Taşlı Yol Go Okulu’s league.

Tournament Blazer Award: A Nihon ki-in printed Go Fan for the praticipant referring the most participants.

As a McMahon tournament The Istanbul Go Open also prepares many surprises and small prizes for well performing participants that have participated in all rounds and with a win record over 70%.

Registration and participation

Preregistration deadline was on the 19th of November. We would like to remind our participants that preparations are made based on the list of preregistered players. In the unlikely event of demand surpassing projections, preregistering players will have precedence over latecomers. The risks and liabilities arising from not registering prior to the preregistration deadline rest solely on the players.

Registered players must be present in the KGS Room “Türk Odası” and other servers and groups related to them until 10:15 AM (+3 UTC) on the day of the tournament.

Warning: Registrants must be present in the KGS Room “Türk Odası”, not exceeding the specified hours. Since the matchmaking and execution of the tournament are carried out by automatic systems, we would like to remind participants that players who are not on the server before the tournament start time and cannot provide a stable connection to the server at least 5 minutes before the round starts will be automatically excluded from that round.

Attention: Since it will not be possible to organize the tournament correctly and a timely manner, the participants not present at the tournament venue on the first day of the tournament without prior notice, will be dropped from the tournament. We kindly request registrees who will be absent to notify the organizing committee until 21:00 (UTC+3) on Friday, 20 November.

Registration Fee

The 20th Edition of the International Istanbul Go Tournament will be held free of charge, all players are welcome to participate as long as they pledge to abide by the above mentioned tournament rules and conditions.


Preregistration deadline was on the 19th of November. Thank you for your interest.

For ease and speed of communication and possible last minute changes a whatsapp group will be formed, we kindly urge you to participate in the group. The 20th Istanbul Go Open whatsapp group will be deleted 1 week after the tournament ends.

List of Registerees

Sıra / #Ad / NameSoyad / SurnameSeviye / RankGoRÇağırdığı oyuncu sayısı* / # of inviteesKGS kullanıcısı / NicknameŞehir / EGF ClubÜlke / CountryAGVKN / EGDPIN
1DoğaçKöse2 Dan21798DogacKİstanbulTR14825052
2Atilla HanCivek25 Kyu1360Han7İstanbulTR18437859
3PavelMalyugin10 Kyu12160LeaSacoTyumenRU18233974
4TuğraAral10 Kyu6040tugraaralKırklareliTR19701231
5TuğbaSadak20 Kyu-4040tugbasadakAntalyaTR19749279
6HüsrevAksüt4 Dan23970HusrevAAntalyaTR14649943
7İlknurGürşen7 Kyu8060ilknurİstanbulTR19049041
8KaanMalçok4 Dan22990kaanmÇanakkaleTR16962264
9AlperSulak1 Dan20010AlperSulakAnkaraTR18701034
10MathieuBrun5 Kyu8291pastek17ParisFR19633845
11EmrePolat4 Dan24540emre35İstanbulTR14762847
12SofiaMalatesta1 Kyu20052SofiaRomaIT16974903
13TuğkanEren3 Dan23290tugkanerenİzmirTR15850538
14SemaSeymen12 Kyu6361semaseymenİstanbulTR19062043
15Sarp EgeYılmaz7 Kyu12550SarpEgeAnkaraTR19233280
16Özgürİşçimen6 Kyu12130oziscimenİstanbulTR19650136
17Erkanİşçimen13 Kyu6050erkanisciİstanbulTR19737278
18MartinKacerovsky14 Kyu7360MartinKCPlzenCZ19601318
19Ayşe NilÖncel9 Kyu10330niloncelİstanbulTR19286806
20NikolaKohout20 Kyu-3300NikyKHPlzenCZ19625342
21ZhengbokangTang7 Dan26990tzbkSuperiorUS19613946
22Ufuk EmreYıldırım1 Kyu16270UfukİstanbulTR17350432
23LucmanBounoider3 Dan23370dartagalucBrusselsBE18301382
24JingyuanWu5 Dan00wjyWuhanCN0
25FatihKalayoğlu1 Kyu19230klyİstanbulTR16501947
26ÖmerKazanç2 Dan21390kazanccAntalyaTR15386470
27Mustafa ÇağlarKarakurt7 Kyu12730silenceİzmirTR15433825
28TomaszDec13 Kyu8270kondec91GdanskPL19450563
29Arya IclalDuzgungu11 Kyu6580AryaDİstanbulTR19662610
30MiraDuzgungu14 Kyu10850MiraDİstanbulTR19650609
31AltuğDuzgungu5 Kyu15662AltugDİstanbulTR19650609
32ÇağdaşYeloğlu3 Dan22910cagdasyelAdanaTR17233183
33BerkeÜner7 Kyu14020berkeunerİstanbulTR18398193
34SinanTatlıcıoğlu1 Kyu14220sinantosİstanbulTR13801678
35NalanKayacan8 Kyu13220nalankycnİstanbulTR16249497
36Emre KaanKuyucu30 Kyu00KaanKuyucuHatayTR0
37GüçlüYılmaz8 Kyu12440tamanbuayaMuğlaTR15098039
38FranziskaKern13 Kyu9210Sheri91KielDE19649531
39OliverFritsche5 Kyu17700MkiujnbhzKielDE18001423
40AliÖzhan15 Kyu00aliozhanİstanbulTR0
41LíberMagallanes10 Kyu00LiberMontevideoUY0
42ElfiaKhodzher14 Kyu9490elphiyaNikolaevsk-na-AmureRU12701513
43ClementMenard2 Kyu18170WhithakVaurealFR19062736
44OkanKaynak4 Kyu16810okanyakDenizliTR16050540
45Mehmet AliGöktaş9 Kyu12240mehmetaliİstanbulTR17601804
46RomanGerloff1 Dan20940RomanGerHamburgDE19386257
47SergeEon4 Kyu16820PtitgedWaterlooBE19662357
48Kadir OğuzhanKaragöz10 Kyu12020KadirKaraEskişehirTR19686480
49UlaşBedük3 Kyu16610ulasbedukAnkaraTR16037527
50BilgeGöze4 Kyu17230BilgeGozeİstanbulTR15437840
51Aşha AçinKanbolat10 Kyu9580aakanbolatİstanbulTR18301206
52Koças KuzeyKanbolat10 Kyu11530kkkanbolatİstanbulTR18598305
53Albek DoğuKanbolat10 Kyu9950adkanbolatİstanbulTR18533306
54KrzysztofDabrzalski6 Kyu14920QorylLodzPL13633521
55OnurBaşar3 Kyu14940OnurbasarİstanbulTR18649631
56KeremÖzenir5 Kyu15800keremozeniKKTC#N/A14398637
57JanKvasnak10 Kyu10800kagitecuOstravaCZ10249723
58DeryaÇiftçi13 Kyu800deryacifci000İstanbulTR19550157
59StanleyDucharme2 Kyu00oncelerMorrisCA0
60DemirYeşilırmak25 Kyu00DemirYHatayTR0
61MustafaUztürk11 Kyu7720mustafauzİstanbulTR18633208
62SarpÖztürk12 Kyu7990SarpOzturkİstanbulTR18537310
63EnerÖztürk15 Kyu-1040EnerOzturkİstanbulTR19250209
64EtkinÖzgan6 Kyu14530etkinozganİstanbulTR19513340
65BüşraEmre17 Kyu00busraemreAntalyaTR0
66JanKomín7 Kyu13720czgoplayerPragueCZ19637596
67BanuKibar9 Kyu12554banukiİstanbulTR18586293
68UğurTaşdelen7 Kyu5220UgurTasdlnAnkaraTR18213250
69StefanoGiurin7 Kyu14290WildpizzaFaenzaIT14925295
70ArvedWeigmann2 Kyu19350toved2PDE15713379
71Alp DemirSelçuk18 Kyu620Alp_DemirAnkaraTR19398049
72Şahpar NilÖzer11 Kyu7200nilozerİzmirTR19550498
73EmreBektöre1 Dan21060emrevektorEskişehirTR13674639
74SalvatoreIdda10 Kyu7150BoborePisaIT19274519
75ServetDaşdemir2 Kyu19260ServetDasdİstanbulTR17637367
* Bu sayı güncel kayıtlı oyuncuları göstermektedir. Turnuva günü gerçekleşecek katılımcı sayısı esastır. / This number shows the number of currently registered players. The actual number will be calculated after the tournament depending on turnout.
Son güncelleme: 2021-11-16